The list of challenges and pressures healthcare entities face is long. Going at it alone may not be possible or effective to achieve organizational strategic objectives. Many providers are entering into a range of affiliations and partnerships to stabilize operations, expand capabilities, and seize new opportunities. These collaborations take many forms, and the participants are increasingly diverse.
Join the NESHS Fall conference to learn about the economic forces and macros trends driving partnerships, the stakeholders involved, various structures, and the regulatory landscape permitting or obstructing these collaborations. We’ll discuss the characteristics of successful partnerships and how to avoid common relationship pitfalls. You’ll also leave with valuable skills to manage conflict and differences when working within or outside your organization.
8:15 AM Registration, Continental Breakfast and Networking
8:50 AM Welcome
9:00 AM Keynote: The Missing Piece – Partnerships to Achieve Strategic Objectives
Keynote Speaker: Jeffrey Kilpatrick, Partner, The Innova Group
Partnerships have become a core element of the strategic planner’s tool kit. As hospitals and health systems’ strategic aspirations require greater scale, scope of services and capabilities, partnering with other organizations can be the quickest and most efficient approach to success. And yet for many planners the partnership process remains unclear and intimidating. In this session, we will discuss the strategic rationale for partnerships, types of partnerships, the process used to create sustainable partnerships and select case studies.
10:00 AM Networking Break – Visit our Sponsor Tables
10:30 AM Creative Partnerships – Two Case Studies
Andrew T. Mueller, MD, CEO, MaineHealth
2nd speaker – tbd
12:00 PM Lunch and Networking
12:45 PM NESHS Annual Meeting
12:55 PM Strategist of the Year Award, and Early Careerist Award presentations
1:15 PM Skills Building Session: Change Management Skills for Building Effective Partnerships
Greg Otis, Principal, HKS Advisory Services
Cathy Clark, Principal, HKS Advisory Services
2:30 PM Closing Remarks
The Verve Hotel by Hilton
1360 Worcester Street | Natick, MA 01760
15% hotel room discount is available to conference attendees with this link: The Verve Hotel discount
NESHS Members: $175
Non-members: $220
Student-members: $60 (must be a full-time student)
2024 NESHS Fall Conference Registration Form